Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing #5

After reading and watching the information on Web 2.0, I still have a lot of questions.  I can see where this technology can be used in classes today but how much is it limited by lack of resources such as a limited number of computers?  Is it also limited by the need to meet curriculum based standards and time restrictions?    I think the future of education is undoubtedly going to include the use of technology, but I'd love to see how it's being utilized now.   Can anyone give me any specifics of how this concept is being applied in an actual classroom?  Computers are a fact of life and, in a lot of cases, an enjoyable resource for many students.  It seems crazy not use this trend to promote learning.

1 comment:

  1. As someone who is in the classroom currently, your statement regarding limited computers is true. I teach 5th grade, and although our school does have a lot of computers, we do not have one per student. We only have one computer lab making it only possible to use once per week. In each classroom, we have approximately 4-5 computers. Since we change classes, and some groups I only have for an hour, there is not enough time to teach all the skills and run everyone thru the 5 computers. If someone has ideas for getting this done, I would love to hear from you! In math, I have more skills to teach than I have days before TCAP. Just earlier this week, I was told by my administrator to teach to the test. This is a huge concern for me since I feel the students won't get the background they need. When we have gone to computer lab, I have used internet games I have found to practice certain skills. However, other than that, I haven't been able to find the time I need to do much more. However, I would sure like to utilize more of what is out there!
