Tuesday, November 29, 2011

EDUC 6000 - Week 14

In week 12, I talked about a training session that Sonny conducted and some of the problems that we had due to using webcast.  However, I didn't mention that there was a problem with one of the videos in one of the powerpoint presentations.  Sonny called before the training got started to see if I could get it to work.  Unfortunately, I couldn't.  I think that the breakdown in communication here is between MS 2010 and MS 2000.  He created the presentation in 2010, and it didn't play on the computer with MS 2000.  Well, the training is over (at least this one), but the presentations are still available for viewing on our network drive.  Therefore, we thought it would be good if everything worked like it's suppose to, especially since most of our staff have the old version of MS Office.  Luckily (yeah, right), I have MS 2000 on my work computer (I've been using my personal computer with MS 2010 for most of the projects for this class), so I started playing with it to get the video embedded again.  Nothing I tried would work.  Then, I had really bright idea.  I'll cheat (sort of).  I used Jing to take a picture of the video and then used the picture as a hyperlink to the video on YouTube.   This worked, but I really couldn't believe there wasn't a way to embed a video in the actual slide.  So it was back to researching.  I found a video on YouTube that showed how to embed a video with MS 2003 and older.  I started following the instructions, but it still didn't work.  It turns out he left out part of the instructions.  You have to select options next to the link for the YouTube video you want to use and select long link.  Then you can make the changes that the guy talks about in the video.  Ironically, this video is titled Embed YouTube Into PowerPoint (Stupid Simple).  It really is simple, but it helps if all the instructions are included.

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