Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing #7

No, this is not one of mine.  I did have a beautiful baby identical to this one until 2 years ago, but he passed away.  I'm sure why this caught my eye.  This picture was posted by Jonathan Fleming, and it's one of several.  The subject of the photo is a Shiba Inu.

I must say I like the images that you can find on Flickr, but I didn't find it particularly easy to use.  It is easy to find pictures of just about anything, but it's not easy to use pictures like this one.  I'm not sure what the problem was, but when I tried to paste the URL into the blog, I got an invalid URL message. The problem may very well be with the blog site though as clicking on the following link appears to work.

In order to get the photo in this blog though, I emailed it to myself.

1 comment:

  1. I've also had problems with posting pictures from Flikr into one of my personal blogs. I don't have the same problems from Shutterfly or school pages. I never thought of emailing it to myself for my Thing 7. Now I should be able to complete Thing 7 much quicker. Thanks!
